Sunday, October 2, 2016

Fun FREE app! Halloween trivia!

Due to a lack of interest, this app has been disabled on the Play Store.

I have made a multiple choice version of  my Halloween app.

Have fun and please download  

also on google play:

And don't forget to get your Halloween Costume. This quiz should help you find it!

Top costumes this year for individuals will be : Harley Quinn, Joker, "Some" super hero and Pirates!

Try a Trump or Hillary costume if you don't like them try a Scary Clown.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Answers For Halloween Trivia App

Due to a lack of interest, this app has been disabled on the Play Store.

If you found my site on google or another way check out my app.  Its free fun:

Answers to My Halloween Trivia app!

1.What does the word Hallow, mean?  Answer: Saint

2. What are the two traditional colors of Halloween? Answer: Black and Orange

3. Which country did Halloween originate in? Answer: Ireland

4. What does dracula mean?  Answer: Son of the Devil

5. Who is known as the "Friendly Ghost"? Answer: Casper

6. What is the fear of ghosts called? Answer: Phasmophobia

7. Which serpent-like water monster has multiple heads?  Answer: Hydra

8. Who is the main character in "The legend of the sleepy hallow". Answer: Ichabod Crane

9. Who was the creator of the Necronomicon and the Cthulhu Mythos?  Aswer: H.P. Lovercraft

10. A creature believed to inhabit forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America?  Answer: Bigfoot

11. What is a Jack-o-lantern carved on? Answer: Pumpkin

12. Who was the famous magician who died Halloween night 1926?  Answer: Harry Houdini

13. Which symbol is associated with witchcraft?  Answer: Pentagram

14. Which animal is normally associated with a witch?  Answer: A Cat

15. What is a group of witch\'s called?  Answer: Coven

16. Who wrote Frankenstein?  Answer: Marry Shelley

17. What were the first Jack O lanterns made from? Answer: Turnips

18. What straw man symbolized the ancient agricultural roots of Halloween?  Answer:Scarecrow

19. A vampire supposedly has control over the animal world and can turn into a?  Answer: A Bat

20. A traditional vampire repellent what has been used as a form of protection for over 2,000 years? Answer: Garlic

21. When a creature dies and its spirit comes back to haunt what are they called?  Answer: Ghost

22. An evil mischievous grotesque dwarf-like creature in ancient folklore?  Answer: Goblin

23. What type of mythical humans transforms into a wolf at every full moon? Answer: Werewolf

24. What do you call the type of powerful ghost that can move things?  Answer: Poltergeist

25. Who wrote the book that introduced dementors into the world?  Answer: J.K. Rowling

26. In the Texas Chainsaw massacre who many people actually die from a chainsaw? Answer:1

27. How many people where hung in the Salem witch trials? Answer: 20

28. What is a man who practices witchcraft called? Answer: Warlock

29. Who is the wealthy man that gained immortality in penny dreadful from his image being trapped in a painting?  Answer:  Dorian Grey

.30. The practice of sticking needles into a doll is a practice of what type of magic?  Answer: Voodoo

31. To create a mummy you first had to remove all of the body\'s what?  Answer: Organs

32. Who was the character an American actress created for television know as the mistress of the dark? Answer: Elvira

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Washington State Poisonous Toad

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