Tuesday, November 22, 2016

WhatsThis finally made a Christmas app!

                             You will love this Christmas trivia app from WhatsThisSoftware!

Its free and even if you don't get a 100 % the first time you can easily check out all the answers and play again.

This game was developed by a young man who is learning how to code. 
Please show your support.

Enjoy the Classic Christmas music and have fun.
The link to google play is below, enjoy!

Christmas Trivia Answers

Here is the link to this trivia app in case you link onto the answer page first:

Answers for Christmas Trivia

Question 1:  Who's birthday is being celebrated on December 25th? 

Answer 1: Jesus Christ.

Question 2: Which was the first state to recognize Christmas as  a official holiday?

Answer 2: Alabama

Question 3:  Which company was the first to use Santa Clause in a advertising commercial?

Answer 3:  Cocoa Cola.

Question 4:  How many points does a snowflake have?

Answer 4:  Six.

Question 5:  What is the traditional ornament placed at the top of the Christmas Tree?

Answer 5: An Angel.

Question 6:  What country can be credited with the creation of egg nog?

Answer 6: England.

Question 7: What do kids traditionally leave out for Santa Clause to eat?

Answer 7: Milk and Cookies.

Question 8:  From what country does the poinsettia plant originate?

Answer 8: Mexico.

Question 9:  What color are the berries from the Mistletoe?

Answer 9: White.

Question 10:  What was the name of Ebenezer Scrooge's partner in the Christmas Carol, the play?

Answer 10: Jacob Marley.

Question 11:  How many gifts are actually given on the 12 days of Christmas?

Answer 11: 364.

Question 12: What would the other reindeers not let Rudolph do?

Answer 12:  Play in all the reindeer games.

Question 13:  What color was the Grinch who stole Christmas?

Answer 13:  Green.

Question 14:  Who's eye's are made of coal:

Answer 14:  Frosty's.

Question 15:  Which 3D puzzle sold by Ideal Toy Corp., was the most popular Christmas gift in 1980?

Answer 15: Rubik's Cube.

Question 16: What was the name of the character played by Macauley Culkin in the movie Home Alone?

Answer 16:  Kevin Mccallister.

Question 17:  What type of pet is 'Santa's Little Helper' in the TV cartoon series, The Simpsons?

Answer 17:  A dog.

Question 18:  Who tried to steal Christmas from the \"Who's of Whoville\" in the 1966 cartoon based on the Dr. Seuss Story?

Answer 18: The Grinch.

Question 19:  What part of the turkey is saved and pulled apart as a superstitious good luck custom?

Answer 19: Wishbone.

Question 20: What is \"Frosty the Snowman's\" nose made of?

Answer 20: A button.

Question 21:  What river did Washington cross on Christmas Eve?

Answer 21: The Delaware.

Question 22: What is the biggest selling music christmas single of all time?

Answer 22: White Christmas.

Question 23:  What was the last ghost called in "A Christmas Carol"?

Answer 23:  The ghost of Christmas yet to come.

Question 24:  In "A Charlie Brown Christmas" who plays the dusty innkeeper in the Christmas play?

Answer 24:  Pigpen.

Question 25:  In what town was Jesus born?

Answer 25: Bethlaham.

Question 26:  Yule Log cake is the traditional Christmas cake served in which European country?

Answer 26: Israel

Question 27: How tall was the tallest Christmas tree?

Answer 27: 221 feet.

Question 28:  In the movie "A Christmas Carol" how many ghosts visited Scrooge?

Answer 28: Four.

Question 29:  How many years are trees used as a Christmas tree's grown?

Answer 29: 15 Years.

Question 30:What does the letter X stand for in X-mas?

Answer 30: Jesus Christ.

Question 31:What state do all letters addressed to Santa go to?

Answer 31: Indiana.

Question 32:Feliz Navidad is Happy Christmas in which language?

Answer 32:  Spanish.

If you enjoyed this app check out my thanksgiving one.  

And this truth or Dare one  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.calebsapps.mynam.truthordare or my sites link : Link to Google play Truth or Dare game

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Thanksgiving Trivia app!

Check out this guy in my new app on google play!

It's a Thankgiving trivia app.

You can download it here for free!


Answers for Thanksgiving Trivia/Quiz


Here are the answers to the Thanksgiving Quiz.  Don't forget to memorize the answers and play again!

Question 1: What day each year does thanksgiving occur on in the United States? Answer: The fourth Thursday of November. Question 2: Which was the first state to practice thanksgiving in 1855? Answer: Virginia. Question 3: How many feathers does a adult turkey have? Answer: 5,000 to 6,000. Question 4: What was the name of the American Indian tribe who helped the pilgrims grow the food for thanksgiving? Answer: Wampanoag tribe. Question 5: How many days was the original Thanksgiving celebration? Answer: 3 days. Question 6: What year was the fourth thursday of November declared a federal U.S. Holiday? Answer: 1941. Question 7: What was the name of the ship the pilgrims sailed in to discover America? Answer: Mayflower. Question 8: Where in Massachusetts did the pilgrims celebrate Thanksgiving? Answer: Plymouth. Question 9:The pilgrims sailed what ocean to reach America? Answer: Atlantic Ocean. Question 10:How many of the pilgrims died before the first Thanksgiving? Answer: 50 Percent. Question 11: What other country observes Thanksgiving as national holiday? Answer: Canada. Question 12: What does cornucopia mean? Answer: Horn of plenty. Question 13: What food do we not eat, that the pilgrims ate at the first Thanksgiving? Answer: Codfish. Question 14: What is the name of the famous rock where the Pilgrims first landed? Answer: Plymouth Rock. Question 15: What was the original name of the Pilgrims? Answer: Puritans. Question 16: What year did the first Thanksgiving take place? Answer: 1621. Question 17: Which type of Turkey is called a Gobbler? Answer: A male. Question 18: What is the chemical in Turkey meat that some believe make you sleepy after eating? Answer: Tryptophan. Question 19: What part of the turkey is saved and pulled apart as a superstitious good luck custom? Answer: Wishbone. Question 20: What religion is the main affiliate of Thanksgiving? Answer: Thanksgiving has no religious affiliations. Question 21: How many pilgrims were on the Mayflower? Answer: 102 Question 22: What is a Turduckin? Answer: A duck cooked in a chicken cooked in a turkey. Question 23: How fast can a wild turkey run on the ground when scared? Answer: 20 Miles per hour. Question 24: How heavy was the world record Turkey? Answer: 86 Pounds Question 25: What was the drink of choice for the pilgrims? Answer: Beer. Question 26: Which country consumes the most Turkey per capita? Answer: Israel. Question 27: Which vegetable did the pilgrims have but not eat because they thought it was poisonous? Answer: Potato. Question 28: What is the name of the famous Thanksgiving parade hosted in New York every year? Answer: Macy's Day Parade. Question 29: What is the traditional pie served at Thanksgiving dinner? Answer: Pumpkin Pie. Question 30: When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin ate their first meal on the moon what was it? Answer: A turkey dinner. Question 31: What is typically stuffed into turkey's and then baked? Answer: Seasoned bread (stuffing). Question 32: How many turkey's are eaten each Thanksgiving? Answer: 46 million.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Fun FREE app! Halloween trivia!

Due to a lack of interest, this app has been disabled on the Play Store.

I have made a multiple choice version of  my Halloween app.

Have fun and please download  

also on google play:

And don't forget to get your Halloween Costume. This quiz should help you find it!

Top costumes this year for individuals will be : Harley Quinn, Joker, "Some" super hero and Pirates!

Try a Trump or Hillary costume if you don't like them try a Scary Clown.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Answers For Halloween Trivia App

Due to a lack of interest, this app has been disabled on the Play Store.

If you found my site on google or another way check out my app.  Its free fun:

Answers to My Halloween Trivia app!

1.What does the word Hallow, mean?  Answer: Saint

2. What are the two traditional colors of Halloween? Answer: Black and Orange

3. Which country did Halloween originate in? Answer: Ireland

4. What does dracula mean?  Answer: Son of the Devil

5. Who is known as the "Friendly Ghost"? Answer: Casper

6. What is the fear of ghosts called? Answer: Phasmophobia

7. Which serpent-like water monster has multiple heads?  Answer: Hydra

8. Who is the main character in "The legend of the sleepy hallow". Answer: Ichabod Crane

9. Who was the creator of the Necronomicon and the Cthulhu Mythos?  Aswer: H.P. Lovercraft

10. A creature believed to inhabit forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America?  Answer: Bigfoot

11. What is a Jack-o-lantern carved on? Answer: Pumpkin

12. Who was the famous magician who died Halloween night 1926?  Answer: Harry Houdini

13. Which symbol is associated with witchcraft?  Answer: Pentagram

14. Which animal is normally associated with a witch?  Answer: A Cat

15. What is a group of witch\'s called?  Answer: Coven

16. Who wrote Frankenstein?  Answer: Marry Shelley

17. What were the first Jack O lanterns made from? Answer: Turnips

18. What straw man symbolized the ancient agricultural roots of Halloween?  Answer:Scarecrow

19. A vampire supposedly has control over the animal world and can turn into a?  Answer: A Bat

20. A traditional vampire repellent what has been used as a form of protection for over 2,000 years? Answer: Garlic

21. When a creature dies and its spirit comes back to haunt what are they called?  Answer: Ghost

22. An evil mischievous grotesque dwarf-like creature in ancient folklore?  Answer: Goblin

23. What type of mythical humans transforms into a wolf at every full moon? Answer: Werewolf

24. What do you call the type of powerful ghost that can move things?  Answer: Poltergeist

25. Who wrote the book that introduced dementors into the world?  Answer: J.K. Rowling

26. In the Texas Chainsaw massacre who many people actually die from a chainsaw? Answer:1

27. How many people where hung in the Salem witch trials? Answer: 20

28. What is a man who practices witchcraft called? Answer: Warlock

29. Who is the wealthy man that gained immortality in penny dreadful from his image being trapped in a painting?  Answer:  Dorian Grey

.30. The practice of sticking needles into a doll is a practice of what type of magic?  Answer: Voodoo

31. To create a mummy you first had to remove all of the body\'s what?  Answer: Organs

32. Who was the character an American actress created for television know as the mistress of the dark? Answer: Elvira

Check out one of the articles on my site:

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Halloween Trivia free app

 Happy Halloween!

Due to a lack of interest, this app has been disabled on the Play Store.

This is my second app please enjoy its free content.  

It's available now on the google play store for Android.

Just in time for Halloween.          

To play just type in the answers.  It's simple and fun.

If you have any questions let me know.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

5 Animals that heal with venom!

Venom has been used in medicine since around 4500 BC.  It has been used in many different ways from hunting animals to creating anti venom's.  Currently, the most common use of venom is in the pharmaceutical industry in the production of different medicines.

The following animals are a few of the earth's most venomous creatures that science has used to synthesize pharmaceuticals from.

The Brazilian Pit Viper

The Brazilian pit viper venom provided within it an angiotensin-converting enzyme, (ACE).  This was the first venom-derived drug to receive approval from the FDA.  Now titled Lisinopril the drug derived from pit viper venom is a commonly used high blood pressure medicine designed to relax the blood vessels and decrease the volume of blood to the heart.  Other uses of snake venom include the use of it as an anti-clotting agent in surgery and anti-venom.

The Cone Snail

The cone snail uses a venomous harpoon to capture and kill fish that it wants to eat.  The venom is powerful enough to kill a human with a tiny drop.  However, the venom from the snail has been used to provide a powerful painkiller that can be used in extreme cases when opiates are not beneficial.  Unfortunately, there is a problem with this drug called Prialt. It has to be injected into the spinal column because it will not cross the blood-brain barrier if injected into the bloodstream and therefore will not enter the brain.  It's an amazing pain killer but rarely used.  As of September 12, 2016, scientists have found out the insulin derived from the cone snail works 10 minutes faster than the current fast-acting insulin.  Making it a better option for people needing insulin fast.


It has long been believed that bee sting venom can provide some type of useful pharmaceuticals but until recently we haven't fully explored its potential.  In 2013 a team of scientists at Washington University school of medicine used nanoparticles coated with bee venom (Melittin)  to destroy the HIV virus and it worked.  They did so without causing damage to any of the healthy normal cells around the HIV virus.  Scientists are furthering the research with bee venom believing that it may have many other uses for treating human ailments.

The Gila Monster

The Gila Monster is a type of lizard the excretes venom from the saliva in its bite.  Scientists have been able to use this venom to synthesize Exenatide (Byetta) a new drug now used to aid in weight loss by helping sustain a healthy glucose level in people with type 2 diabetes.

Chilean Rose Tarantula

The Chilean Rose Tarantula is a type of spider from South America scientists are using to treat muscular dystrophy.  The venom from this spider helps the muscle cells retain there strength and proteins that keep the muscles healthy.  This does not cure people with muscular dystrophy but it does prolong their life.

The world of studying venom has been around for thousands of years but only recently have we realized the truly astounding potential of it.  With hundreds of thousands of animals that have developed the need for venom researchers will be analyzing venom for years to come.

If you liked this check out one of my other articles.



All images are sourced from Wiki creative commons.




Ransomware, can take over your computer!

Ransomware!  What is it

Ransomware is a type of malicious virus designed to take over your computer and render it useless until a sum of money is paid to the owner of the virus.  The virus can put a bunch of porn on your computer blocking you from using it.  Or it can install a virus that stops you from using your computer or network entirely.

How do you get the virus

The normal way to get the virus is by going to a website with popup ads that block the site until you click them.  You can also get them from clicking an unknown link in an E-mail or from downloading software from an unknown site.

How does it affect me

If you get attacked by a ransomware virus it can completely block your computer from use.  Usually, when it happens the attackers try to force some type of payment out of you in the form of making you buy a program to remove the virus or provide funds through a money transfer of some type.  However, do not send money to these individuals.  That will only encourage them and they might try to get more out of you

Can it affect my business

Ransomware can infiltrate your network and steal personal info about you and your company.  It can also shut down usage of the network crippling productivity.

How can I protect myself

First get a reputable antivirus software and install it.  Then enable popup blocking on your web browser.  Keep an eye out for emails that you do not recognize even if they make it through your spam guard.  If you don't recognize the sender don't open the E-mail and click their links.  Backup your computer as often as you can or make sure that your computer does it automatically.  If you do get attacked disconnect your computer from the internet and do a system restore to eliminate the virus.  If any of this does happen to you alert the FBI because most of the attacks are happening in the U.K. when it happens in the U.S. the FBI wants to know.

Thanks for reading.


Please check out another of my articles on Wifi network safety.




Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Who elect's the President? What is the electoral college?

Well lets look to the electoral college for this one.

What is the electoral college.

The electoral college is a group of 538 individuals that represents the U.S. in deciding the next president and vice president of the United States.  It was established by our forefathers as a compromise between the vote of congress and the voters to select the president.

Does the electoral college have the power to decide the president against the popular vote?

In 2000 George W. Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore and was chosen president by the electoral college.  The vote was .51% in favor of Gore.

Why does the electoral college matter?

The electoral college matters because it takes away the ability for the elected official with the most votes to win the election.  

How does this affect me the voter?

This means that your vote can be overruled by the electoral college.  Taking away your power as a voter.  Or as Wiki states "the national popular vote is not the basis for electing the president or vice president."

This is bigger than Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton.

Thank you for reading.

Link to my free Halloween trivia app on the Google Play store!

Please check out this other article i wrote.


Monday, August 1, 2016

Evil Twin network

If you have ever thought that the information you are sharing on a free public WiFi network is being viewed by others you might be right

It's called an Evil Twin network and hackers use it to steal your private information in public places.  They set up a wireless hot-spot and create a login page that looks similar to the one the business is using.  After you log in to their sign-on page they begin to track your keystrokes and data sent.  This can give them your passwords and login information to private sites.

They can also use this access to plant virus.  Virus's that can do things like sending your location to the hacker when accessing your home network this can tell them where you live.  And let's say you have a cool WiFi door lock on your front door.  The hacker can use the info passed over your network to unlock the front door.

What can you do to protect yourself?

Well, it appears that your antivirus can't do much to help you.  I have researched this type of attack at antivirus websites and they give a list of things you can do to protect yourself but no info on what they do you help.

Don't use the automatic connections on your computer.  Sign on yourself.

Try to not send private information over wireless networks.  No banking. Limit your social media time.

Turn off your WiFi and Bluetooth when not in use.

The Evil Twin network is one of a few very sneaky ways for hackers to steal your information.  So always think about what you send over an unsecured network.  And surf safely looking up the results for Miss Teen USA is a safe search, however, your banking should be saved for a secure network.

If you like this article read one of my other articles.Amazing castle in Florida

Thanks for reading.


Friday, July 22, 2016

What is Pokemon go?

Just recently Niantic, inc. released a game for cell phones titled Pokemon Go that has taken the world by storm.

This game is doing things!  The game was released July 6, 2016 and was the fastest app ever to reach ten million downloads.

The game is simple. Download the app from your favorite app store. Collect Pokemon on the app by going to different places that randomly pop up on the GPS in-game-map and capture the Pokemon in a Poke' ball. You can evolve the Pokemon so they gain strength and then battle them in the battle arena's/gym's that show up on the map. 

This game was in the news almost as quickly you can download it for bad reasons and good reasons.   Some people would drive and play the game getting into car accidents.  Other incidents include people falling off of cliffs, getting stabbed then not going to the doctor.  People would also leave their cars in the road abandoned causing traffic jams to chase Pokemon.  Like when there was a rare Pokemon in central park .

It might seem like the bad out ways the good but in some instances the people who walk around town looking for Pokemon buy stuff at some of the places they find Pokemon giving a small boost to the local economy.

 However the best effect the game had was simply getting people out of their lazy boys and into the streets bonding with friends and family.  A good example of this being the other night i was walking in the park at 10:30 at night and it was filled with zombie like people searching for Pokemon.  I have never seen so many people in this park that late at night.  It was incredible.

Another benefit of this games popularity is how the news coverage of it has distracted people from things like the negative press in the Hilary Clinton campaign and the negative press on the republican nation convention covering Donald Trump.

Pokemon Go has revitalized the Pokemon franchise adding billions of dollars in value to their stocks.

So what is Pokemon go?

It's a great phone app that allows you to spend time with the people you love while boosting their stats in the game.  Just remember to look around while you are walking and pay attention when you are near areas that could be hazardous.  The roads in the Pokemon game may look harmless but the are a representation of reality.

Thanks for reading.


Check out these other articles i wrote.

First urban society predates Egypt.

Here are some links to help you with Pokemon Go.

If you have any questions about Pokemon and what they are, click this link.

Download Pokemon Go here in the Google play store.

Download Pokemon Go Here Apple store

Link for quickly learning the game

Fast way to find Pokemon

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Sumerians. The first urban society.

If you are here you are probably wondering who the Sumerians are.  The Sumerians were the creators of thfirst urban society.  Since their discovery in the early 19th century we have learned they were the first people to develop the wheel, the farming plow for agriculture, and writing.  Sumerian culture began around 5000 B.C.E  and ended around 1750 B.C.E. with the capture of Ur the king at that point in history.

Sumerian culture was located around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Ancient Mesopotamia. Now known as modern day Iraq.

The Sumerians are credited with the creation of writing.  They wrote in a style defined as Cuniform. With the word Cuniform literally meaning wedge-shaped which describes their style of writing perfectly.  The Cuniform style of writing was used for 3000 years.

Check out this Tablet below inscribed with cuniform text.

Unlike their Egyptian brethren of a later time period who built pyramids as "tombs", the Sumerians built Ziggurats which were believed to be for worship.  They are very large and their true purpose of worship is only a theory.

The below image is of the reconstructed Ziggurat of Ur.

The Sumerians were also credited with being the first brewers of beer.  Beer was so important to their culture that they created a goddess named Ninkasi to pay her/beer their respect.  In 1800 B.C.E there was a poet who wrote about Ninkasi and in doing so gave us the best known description of how beer was made in ancient Sumeria.  I have a link to the hymn if you are so inclined to make an attempt at brewing the beer.  A challenge which has been met before link.

The image below is an image of a cuniform tablet that recorded the allocation of beer.

One of the greatest stories to come out of ancient Mesopotamia is the story of Gilgamesh.  The story tells of a man with incredible strength who accomplished many feats for his people.  This story is believed to be a story about a Sumer king who ruled around 2700 B.C.E.  He is listed on the Sumerian king list as the ruler of Uruk with his rule lasting 126 years.

                                                     Gilgamesh, from "The Epic of Gilgamesh"

The Sumerian King List

The Sumerians were an amazing society with many of there inventions lasting to this day.

 I wrote this article to help people learn about this ancient society.  So please feel free to do more research on the topic using google or some of the links and the bottom of the page.

If you are wondering why i did not write about all of the gods of Sumeria and the Annunaki in this article it because i plan on writing another article about the Sumerians with a focus on these subjects later.

If however, you are dying to know about them here are some links.

Thank you for reading.

If you liked this article check out my other article on Coral Castle.
A castle built in the 1920's by one man.

Other links/sources.
The oldest beer recipe in history

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Coral Castle

In the early 1920's a castle was built by a single man in Florida.  The castle consists of stones weighing anywhere from 2 tons to 30 tons.  The man who built the stones primarily out of coral was 5 feet tall and his name was Edward Leedskalnin.

Ed was a young man when he came to America from Latvia.  He was 16 years of age and had recently been rejected by the love of his life.  Ed would never find another lover but instead dedicated all that he built in the castle to his one love.

Ed not only built a coral castle but he also built a heart-shaped table, a 22-ton moon block, a 23 ton Jupiter block a 9-ton gate that pivots perfectly on its axis and a 3-ton rocking chair.  Ed built and lifted all of these stones into place by himself.  He would work at night, alone carving and moving the stones into place.

When he was finished he would let people inside the walls for tours of the castle and people from all around the world came to visit.  Many of the visitors came to visit to try and learn his secrets.  Even the U.S. government came to figure out the man's secrets but he never shared a one.

The only information that Ed provided the world with his techniques was in this quote "I have discovered the secrets of the pyramids, and have found out how the Egyptians and ancients builders in Peru, the Yucatan, and Asia, with only primitive tools raised and set in place blocks of stone weighing many tons."

This picture is Ed with his generator that powered his radio and working lights.

Ed believed that all matter in the universe consisted of magnets.  And by using this understanding of the magnets and the polarity in the magnets he can manipulate huge things.

Truly he can't mean that he knew in the 20's with little education he knew that atoms consisted of Protons Neutrons and Electrons and he could manipulate them with little to no effort?!

Ed was said to be a student of the universe.  His stones were built and affixed together with extreme precision.  He was a master of engineering and even though he took his secrets to his grave his mastering of the universe is a legacy that will last as long as the sun burns in the sky.

Thanks for reading.


Link to my site that offers a free Halloween trivia app on the Google play store!

Links to sources.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Lost as an Adult

Anymore children are being raised by the school systems.  However the schools are failing them.  They lack the proper training on how to provide your body with nutrition through cooking, and taking care of adult responsibilities.

 A lot of this could be addressed through home economics classes which I have heard have been removed from a lot of schools.  This article bring back home ec written by the Boston Globe discusses in great depth the issues this is causing.

When the children return home after being at school and they want something to eat they just go to the freezer and cook a microwavable meal.  Which works for children because they have healthy body's that can handle lots of processed foods.  To bad this trend continues into adulthood causing problems that can be attributed to obesity and malnutrition.  The adult body needs more specific vitamins and nutrients.

 But its not just the schools to blame.  Parents are now scarcely at home wanting to reach out and make a name for themselves in the world.  All the while neglecting to pass on responsible traits and life lessons to their children.

The media feeds into the problem with the constant advertising about making your life easier by buying fast food.  Or hiring out all of your labor services like housekeeping and landscaping.

All of these things keep young adults from walking into colleges or adult situations and being able to take care of themselves properly.  

Children/Adults don't know how to cook.  They don't know how to get a job and keep it.  How to set sleep schedules.  How to keep their living quarters hygienic.  How to fix their cars.  Manage their bills.  The list goes on and on and things are only beginning to get bad.

All of the normal responsibilities young adults from the past hundred years already had a good grasp of are nearly nonexistent in the privileged adults/children of today.

These inadequacy's can effect their relationships with other adults.  Making it hard for them to find life partners and even develop strong personal relationships.

With the advent of the internet the speed with which we can get things done is incredible.  Yet these kids parents are so enamored with themselves and their own success that they forget to take the time to work on the futures of the children that they are responsible for making.

With that being said take some time.  Slow down.  Look around think about what you are doing and how it will impact your future.  And never forget that the most valuable thing you can give another human is your time and your experience.

Thank you for reading.

Check this other article I wrote.


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Is the workplace killing women younger!

Ever since I was a child I have seen women compete and succeed in all the same sports and events as men.   I have no interest in offending women.  I am simply going share a perspective in the least offensive way possible. 

Throughout the last couple of hundred years women maintained a role at home (not talking about pre-society where they were gatherers).  The role that they took was to take care of the children and look after the cleanliness of the abode.  All of this was done while the men spent time at work slaving for another masters personal gain. 

  In the last hundred years things have changed.  Women have taken an interest in the job place and have fought and won the rights, which in my opinion they always had, to work side by side with the men and other women in a professional environment.   

The original inspiration for this behavior came from women who lost their husbands in WW1 and WW2.  When the women became widowers they had to do something to raise their children and themselves.  With so many of these women being to heartbroken to ever marry again they started finding work wherever they could.   Over time the women's rights movement progressed for the equal treatment of women providing the added benefit of making it easier for women to find jobs.     

Now that women are fully integrated into all forms of the professional realm.  Military, music, sales, corporate CEO's.  Let's talk about reality.  For years the life expectancy of women has been longer than men.   Then women decided to leave the matriarchal status at home and go into the workplace slaving for another master.  

 Statistics are now showing for the first time since statistics like this have been tracked the life expectancy of women has gone down.  This study done in 2016 at OSU stated that this decrease in life expectancy is due to hours worked at their jobs.  The workplace has caused in women a huge increase in heart disease, cancer and other serious diseases. 

 These are the facts.   

While this is only a new trend I see this trend continuing.  

Women can now begin to see with statistical facts what men were truly sacrificing for them.  

They're lives.  

 However with all this being said things between men and women are still not equal.  Women still do not have to register for the draft even though it has been proposed (the bill hasn't been finalized)  Women have to register for draft .  Women do not make dollar for dollar the same wage as men.  Ask the U.S. soccer team.   
There are countless other gripes that still have to be addressed for national equality.    

With all that now being known i believe its time for men to stand back and say thank you to women for taking on the stress that they no longer have to deal with.  Blindly walking into the awaiting arms of the reaper earlier in life.  And giving men more of an opportunity to influence the children of the world.   Are those really good things?

So keep fighting for equality women and i hope one day the issue of equality never even crosses women's minds at the workplace.

Thanks for reading. 

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