Monday, March 28, 2016

First Google Play App!

                                                      This app is no longer available!

Last week i was riding in a car with my cousin and we were trying to come up with app idea's.  He said that there was an app made to represent bubble wrap that became really popular with the Chinese.  That's when we came up with the idea for the app that i made called Presidential Candidate Bubble Wrap.

You can follow the link here U.S Presidential Candidates Bubble Wrap App to the Google Play store to download the app for free!  I'ts a fun simple app that lets you take out some of the frustration that the candidates for presidency may be causing you. Enjoy.

I recently updated my app and used a sound affect from this website credit for recording at this address thank you Jim Rogers at

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Antivirus Protection

The other day i had someone who i know ask me to take the virus's off of their computer and speed it up.  This is a person i know who is not incredibly competent with computers so i said yes, why not.

I used a program that i normally use to clean up people's computers and it removed 1500 tracking cookies as well as two malicious programs.  I thought this is an awesome program more people should know about this.

This particular program took a Trojan virus off of my computer when nothing else would.  The virus bypassed McAfee and would not let me install any program that would remove the virus even Superantispyware.  I was able get around this by putting my computer into safe mode and then installing the software.  After all that this program took the virus off my PC.  

So here it is the program is called Superantispyware, and I have used it for years.  The program is free but they give you an option buy it.  So, if you have the money the paid version is convenient.  
Here is the link to download the software Its free! You can check out the program and what is has to offer before you download it but i promise you its one of the best virus removal tools out there!

As added proof of how good this program is I just removed 2285 tracking cookies from my computer.  This computer has never been used to access adult sites it is strictly for business so all of these cookies are from normal sites around the web.  Also I have Norton Anti Virus on my computer but Norton doesn't seem to remove these cookies that slow down your computer.  

As always thank you for reading.

Please check out on of my other articles.

A castle built by a single man in Florida.

The Sumerians predate Egypt.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Xbox cross platform play

If you are a person that likes to play the Xbox and you have a friend who likes to play PC games Microsoft has recently made it so that cross platform play is possible.  You can now play across networks with other gamer's on Xbox Live.

The only issue is that in order for this to start working the game designers have to start making games that support the cross platform/network game-play.  So it's up to the game designers to make it work.

This information was an article release from Xbox live, this is the link to the original article cross platform link in case you feel like doing more reading on the subject.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Quantum Computing Can Decrypt Your Internet Activities

      Recently I watched a movie about quantum computing. The movie brought up some awesome points about the true and present future of computing.

      First, Quantum computers are not mainstream by any means so without millions of dollars and someone with a Ph.D. to run it, its difficult to get your hands on one.  The computers do not process information the same way a computer does.  Instead, they can analyze millions of calculations at one time using a computational unit called a qubit.  Each qubit increases the computational capacity of the computer by a factor of 2.  Qubits are powerful and let's just say that normal computers are light years behind in processing.

      The real reason why I decided this information is important is that using the current encryption methods the passing of information over the internet is hackable with quantum computers.  A normal computer would take until the end of time to decipher the partial prime numbers used to encrypt the data.  However, quantum computers can determine the primes used to encrypt data sent over the internet in a matter of days.

      Essentially quantum computers are the ultimate weapon for gathering data of all kinds...!

      I found a link that supports what I have to say that was written by MIT even though this is old info.  Here's link.  Heres the mit link

      As always thanks for reading.  

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Washington State Poisonous Toad

The Western Toad pictured above can be green or brown and is always covered in warts.  (This is the frog he tried to eat) One w...